Friday, November 02, 2007

The Money Shot: The Decemberists Get "Creepy Flu", Poop & Crabs

The latest headlines...

Don't bother trying to pin down Decemberists (Go Triad)
MS: Just back from a cancelled European tour, drummer John Moen admits that with the rise in popularity and touring, there are still a few kinks to be worked out before becoming bona-fide stars.

"A couple of people came down with a couple of creepy, flu like illnesses," said Moen . "Basically the tour was a little ill-conceived from the beginning. It was kind of known by the time we left (the states) that it wasn't going to be that great of a tour, as far as attendance, and we were probably going to go into debt, paying our crew to be there. But then there were a couple of shows that were going to warrant being there, then those shows had to be cance led because of the sickness.

Books, drugs and rock ’n’ roll (Boston Herald)
MS: “I liked to shack up with a few of the girls who worked at (strip club) the Seventh Veil. . . . One of the girls in that scene was named Cameron. Every single one of us (slept with) her at one point or another . . . she gave each and every one of us crabs.”

Guest List: Jose Gonzalez (Pitchfork)
MS: Favorite TV Show at the Moment - Even though I don't watch that much, I still love...I actually feel like "South Park", even though "The Simpsons" was my favorite, I feel like "South Park" has grown on me. I thought it was all about poop, but actually it's got some substance underneath.

Listen to Musical Justice

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